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Ceces Warehouse

About Brand

Cece's Warehouse offers a diverse collection of affordable, stylish fashion pieces and accessories for women, catering to all body types and personal styles.

Services Offered

Webpage Design, Sales Funnel Creation, Email Marketing Campaign Management

Before OhBoost

Cece's Warehouse, an online retailer offering a variety of products, was struggling to engage website visitors and turn them into customers. The existing webpage was not optimized for user experience, making it difficult for visitors to find what they were looking for and make purchases. The lack of clear product descriptions, engaging content, and calls-to-action resulted in low conversion rates.

Additionally, Cece’s Warehouse lacked an organized sales funnel to guide visitors through the buying journey, and they had no email marketing system to re-engage potential customers. Without a structured approach to nurturing leads, the brand missed out on numerous opportunities to convert website visitors into repeat buyers.

After OhBoost

We implemented a comprehensive strategy to revamp Cece’s Warehouse’s digital presence by focusing on website design, sales funnel optimization, and email marketing.

  1. Webpage Design: We redesigned Cece's Warehouse’s website to make it more visually appealing and easy to navigate. The new layout featured optimized product pages, detailed descriptions, and clear calls-to-action to encourage visitors to browse and make purchases. The mobile-responsive design also ensured a smooth shopping experience for users on all devices.

  2. Sales Funnel Creation: To capture potential customers and guide them through the buying process, we created a well-structured sales funnel. This included landing pages designed to highlight product benefits, customer reviews, and special offers, building trust and motivating visitors to make a purchase. The funnel strategically directed users from awareness to conversion, using persuasive messaging to keep them engaged.

  3. Email Marketing Campaign: We developed an automated email marketing campaign designed to nurture leads and encourage repeat business. The emails included personalized content such as product recommendations, promotions, and educational tips about featured products. This kept Cece’s Warehouse top-of-mind for subscribers, increasing the chances of turning leads into loyal customers.

Achieved Results

  1. Webpage Performance: The redesigned website led to a significant improvement in user experience, with visitors spending more time on product pages and completing more purchases. The intuitive navigation and clear product information boosted conversion rates and improved overall sales.

  2. Sales Funnel Effectiveness: The sales funnel proved highly effective at capturing leads and guiding them through the purchase process. By providing relevant product information and exclusive offers, the funnel increased conversion rates and drove more sales.

  3. Email Marketing Impact: The email marketing campaign successfully engaged subscribers, leading to higher open and click-through rates. Targeted email sequences helped keep customers interested, resulting in more repeat purchases and improved brand loyalty.


By redesigning the Cece's Warehouse website, implementing a powerful sales funnel, and creating a targeted email marketing campaign, we helped the brand transform its digital strategy. These efforts resulted in higher conversion rates, increased sales, and stronger customer engagement, positioning Cece’s Warehouse for long-term growth in the competitive online retail space.

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