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Sunday Mall

About Brand

Sunday Mall is a brand offering a wide range of products, providing a seamless shopping experience and empowering online retailers with easy access to diverse inventory.

Services Offered

Website Designing, Social Media Advertisement, Content Creation and Planning

Before OhBoost

Sunday Mall, an emerging eCommerce brand, was struggling to create a strong digital presence and engage its target audience effectively. Their website was outdated and did not align with their modern, trendy product offerings. It lacked the necessary features to provide a smooth shopping experience, leading to high bounce rates and low conversions.

Additionally, Sunday Mall had minimal content planning and wasn’t leveraging social media advertising to drive traffic or boost sales. Their inconsistent content and lack of a clear strategy made it difficult to connect with their audience, resulting in low brand visibility and engagement.

After OhBoost

To help Sunday Mall revamp its digital presence and reach its potential customers, we focused on three key areas: website design, social media advertisement, and content creation and planning.

  1. Website Design: We redesigned Sunday Mall’s website with a modern, user-friendly approach. The new website was mobile-responsive, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions. We focused on improving the overall user experience, making it easy for visitors to browse products, add items to their cart, and complete purchases. Clear product categories, engaging visuals, and intuitive calls-to-action were implemented to ensure a seamless shopping experience.

  2. Social Media Advertising: We launched targeted social media ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to the website. The ads focused on Sunday Mall’s product offerings, promotional deals, and unique brand identity, helping to capture the attention of their target audience. The goal was to boost online sales and increase customer engagement through effective ad placements.

  3. Content Creation and Planning: We developed a comprehensive content strategy that included engaging blog posts, product features, promotional content, and lifestyle imagery to resonate with Sunday Mall’s audience. The content was tailored to their target demographic, focusing on storytelling that aligned with Sunday Mall’s brand values. A structured content calendar ensured consistent posting across social media platforms, enhancing customer engagement and brand loyalty.

Achieved Results

  1. Website Performance: The new website design led to a significant improvement in user engagement. Visitors were able to browse products more easily, resulting in longer session times and higher conversion rates. The intuitive layout and optimized design provided a smoother shopping experience, which boosted overall sales.

  2. Social Media Advertising Impact: The targeted social media ad campaigns drove a substantial increase in traffic to the website. The ads helped Sunday Mall reach new customers and expand its brand presence, resulting in higher engagement and sales.

  3. Content Engagement: The content creation and planning strategy brought consistency and value to Sunday Mall’s online presence. Engaging posts, promotional campaigns, and relevant blog content resonated with the target audience, leading to increased engagement, shares, and interactions on social media.


Our approach to redesigning Sunday Mall’s website, launching targeted social media ads, and implementing a structured content creation strategy transformed their digital presence. With a more modern website, higher engagement through social media ads, and a consistent content strategy, Sunday Mall saw increased traffic, better customer engagement, and higher sales. The brand is now well-positioned for continued growth in the competitive eCommerce market.

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